Cruelty and Incompetence Characterize Hawaiian Electric Management

UPDATE 8.21.23: Scott Goold warned of Hawaiian Electric incompetence, corruption and cruelty. HECO destroyed historic Lahaina town, appears now that at least 102 perished. Can you CONNECT the dots? HECO CEO & president Shelee Kimura was warned but decided NOT to de-energize power lines. Kill the power; no fires. Kimura's incompetence incinerated 102+ human beings, including many keiki. Kimura must resign. We can never trust her again!

Hawaiian Electric Responsible for Safety of Residents and Employees

UPDATE 10.2.24: After more than a year of investigation, officials determined that faulty Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO) equipment and bad management caused the fires that destroyed historic Lahaina town, and incinerated at least 102+ human beings. HECO CEO & president Shelee Kimura never apologized and claimed there were multiple fires — without any proof. Kimura spoke falsely!

Hawaiian Electric Responsible for Safety of Residents and Employees

StarAd screenshot (above) and CivilBeat screenshot (below)

Hawaiian Electric Responsible for Safety of Residents and Employees

Read Tragic History How HECO Incinerated Historic Lahaina Town

Mismanagement at Hawaiian Electric; mismanagement at Maui County; mismanagement at state government; mismanagement at Kamehameha Schools. ONLY constant in Hawai'i is BAD MANAGEMENT !!! You've been warned !!!

Scott Goold Will Not Be Silenced

It is terrible to see how terribly HECO continues to treat you. I applaud your efforts to put a spotlight on the discrimination you faced as a medical cannabis patient. The system is broken and it will take leadership to fix it. Sadly, we don't see many people stepping up to do the right thing and make the necessary changes.

Wishing you the best. Good luck."

Tulsi Gabbard Quotes Robert F Kennedy

"Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality of those who seek to change a world which yields most painfully to change."
Robert F. Kennedy, 1966

Tulsi Gabbard Quotes Robert F Kennedy

"A man dies when he refuses to stand up for that which is right. A man dies when he refuses to stand up for justice. A man dies when he refues to take a stand for that which is true."
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Tulsi Gabbard Quotes Martin Luther King, Jr

Scott Goold is a vocal local who lives 'imi pono seeking competence, tolerance and justice for over 35,000+ patients and Veterans who suffer disability and injury. Scott remains committed to transforming our legal system and holding those who abuse power accountable.šŸ¤² šŸ™

Reader Comment 4.1.23: Hawaiian rip off Electric

Melody Blessing 4.26.23

Scott's experience further confirms the incestuous relationship and cronyism between government and corporatism in Hawai'i that began under Hawaii's last king.

imi pono - to strive to be righteous

In 1887, quarter-master for the Honolulu Rifles, William W. Hall, presented King David Kalākaua with an ultimatum. Sign a new constitution governing the Hawaiian Kingdom or incur the wrath of the 500-strong militia loyal to the powerful plantation owners and business community. Relunctantly, the king acquiesced. The coup was successful. Hall founded Hawaiian Electric Company in 1891.

Two years later, January 1893, Hall and other corporate officials, business and plantation owners imprisoned Queen Lili'uokalani for attempting to undo the Bayonet Constitution — the Hawaiian Kingdom was overthrown.

Island folklore blames White males and the U.S. government. In reality, corporations and business interests formed a new monarchy and govern with an iron fist today.

The HECO website states, "Hawaiian Electric Company may be the only electric utility in the United States — perhaps in the world — inspired to go into business by the vision and enthusiasm of a king."

Historical facts paint a different picture.

The men who founded and led HECO — Jonathan Austin, William W. Hall, William V. Lockwood, Thomas May and Edwin Oscar White — were actively involved with the Honolulu Rifles, Bayonet Constitution and coup d'etat against Kalākaua and Queen LiliŹ»uokalani.

Hawaiian Electric Company (HECO), a subsidary of Hawaiian Electric Industries (HEI), generates over $2.3B in revenue and employs some 2,579 internal candidates and 1,000s of contractors. The public-regulated energy monopoly provides 95% of electricity production across the island chain.

Residents suffer the highest rates in the nation and Hawai'i is the only state dependent on dirty diesel. Without competition or effective oversight, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Those who speak up are warned, "It's a small island and we have a long memory." Retaliation is swift and savage.

The workforce at Hawaiian Electric is over 70 percent male, yet the company has intentionally overloaded management with women. They boast about privileged degrees and community accolades, yet are absent kindness and compassion for the men who do the heavy lifting for the people of Hawai'i.

Text Message from Shelee Kimura, CEO

HECOgate exposes the incompetence, corruption, collusion and cruelty by primarily Asian officials from HECO, HEI, the Hawai'i Civil Rights Commission (HCRC), Cox Fricke LLP lawfirm, Torkildson, Katz, Hetherington, Harris & Knorek law corporation and the circuit court of the First Circuit.

HECOgate further documents the Deep Moral Crisis across the state of Hawai'i. [see also: StarAdvertiser, Hawai'i News Now, CivilBeat, The Garden Island, Hawai'i Free Press]

Hawaiian Electric is currently directed by HEI CEO Scott Seu and HECO CEO Shelee Kimura. Numerous attempts were made to resolve this conflict and end the horror. Under the guidance of CEO Seu and CEO Kimura, Hawaiian Electric continues to claim they made no mistakes and did no wrong.

Text Message from Shelee Kimura, CEO

Contact HECOgate for MORE information

Hawaiian Electric recruited Scott Goold. They were required to inform him of their rules. They didn't. Even when Scott asked, HR assured him that he would be fine. He wasn't. HECO fired Scott Goold due to his legal, prescribed medication after telling him that he would be fine.

Hawaiian Electric Demands Victims Remain Silent

HECO attorneys, Thao Tran and Susan Li, "Mr. Goold also will not disclose, orally or in writing, directly or indirectly, the terms of settlement with Hawaiian Electric or terms of this Agreement." DOWNLOAD

Hawaiian Electric Demands Victims Remain Silent

Scott Goold Will Not Be Silenced

Scott Goold now uses this terrible experience with Hawaiian Electric to speak out for over 30,000+ similar disabled, injured residents and Veterans in Hawai'i. Companies like HECO encourage use of opioids, which are known addictive and deadly. Scott Goold would not have lost his job had he used opioid medication. Scott is working to change corporate and state policy relative to medical cannabis, which is safer than opioid medications. Please add your support!

HECO claimed at the time that the risk of cyber attacks from Russia or China were considered their biggest problems, based on likelihood of occurrence and magnitude of potential harm. HECO however fired Scott at a critical point during the IT department's mission to update server and application security. HECO incompetence put ratepayers, the state and America's Pacific strategic defense in jeopardy.

You are one of the greatest teammates that I've had the honor to work with. Truly a blessing from God.
Gregory Sasaki, Hawaiian Electric team leader, March 2, 2022

LinkedIn Message from HECO IT DBA Gregory Sasaki

HECO's action was a disaster to the team — small SEAL team IT unit was left understaffed, and could take years to replace Scott.

HECO's action was dangerous to Hawai'i — North Korean, Chinese and Russian hackers were seeking vulnerabilities.

Devastating to Scott, as Hawaiian Electric left him professionally humilated, socially ostracized, emotionally crippled and suicidal.

Asian women at Hawaiian Electric entrapped Scott. The females led Scott to believe his medication was fine so he would submit to the pre-employment drug screen. The ladies withheld that he might incriminate himself. The normally kind female Asian executives set Scott up to fail — under false pretense that he would be fine.

Entertainer Shakira spoke out this week, "There is this quote... that I love, and it says, 'There is a special place in hell for women who don't support women,'" paraphrasing former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.

Upon personal knowledge and belief, Asian women of Hawaiian Electric would never fire a woman who is using medical cannabis to treat breast cancer pain and nausea. These ladies don't treat men as kindly. Men like Scott suffer HECO cruelty and hell.

Martin Luther King Jr., citing theologian Reinhold Niebuhr, wrote in his "Letter From Birmingham Jail" that "groups tend to be more immoral than individuals." People commit acts together that theyā€™d never contemplate alone.

Scott Goold is the White male version of Rosa Parks. He's not moving to the back of the bus. Medical canabis patients are not inferior. Society cannot deny employment. Scott stands for America's Veterans, as Hawaii's U.S. Senator Brian Schatz reports medical cannabis prohibition kills our national heroes.

Scott stands for the 35,000+ medical patients in Hawai'i who are fearful to speak up and face similar discrimination. Enough.Is.Enough ... please! Live aloha


[NEW 2.27.24] Scott Goold Warns Hawai'i Gov Josh Green About Asian Female Management Incompetence

[NEW 1.18.24] Scott Goold Petitions Hawai'i Intermediate Court of Appeals for Protection from Hawaiian Electric

HECO CEO Shelee Kimura Wastes Ratepayer Money to Harass Scott Goold

Doesn't Scott Goold Deserve HECO Cannabis Clemency?

Scott Goold Files Discrimination Lawsuit

Intermediate Court of Appeals Allows HECO to Bully Dangerous Scott Goold

HECO Refuses to Hire Scott Goold

HECO Women Coerce & Recklessly Endanger Scott Goold

Native Hawaiians (Kanaka Maoli) Incite Violence Against New Governor Josh Green

Like Harvey Weinstein's Hollwood, Scott Goold will never again work on O'ahu

Asian Women at Hawaiian Electric Entrap White Male Scott Goold

Scott Goold did nothing wrong. Arizona Clarifies Medical Cannabis Anti-Discrimination Provisions

Scott Goold begs Hawaiian Electric to Stop Torturing Him

Substance Abuse & Drug-free Workplaces Reviewed

Negligence & Discrimination in HECO Management

in progress

False Accusations and Disparagement of Top Rated Employee

in progress

Deceptive Statements Made to Legal Tribunals and Commissions

in progress

Starring in HECOgate

Hawaiian Electric Company

Hawaiian Electric, $4.2 BILLION corporation: if anyone helps or assists Scott Goold, we will take legal action against you!

— Constance Hee Lau, former CEO & President
— Liann Ebesugawa, Ass. General Counsel & Ass. Corporate Secretary

— Susan Li, former Sr. Vice President, General Counsel, Chief Compliance & Administrative Officer & Corporate Secretary
— Thao T. Tran, Senior Ass. General Counsel
— Shana Buco, HR director

— William D. Hoshijo, director
— Stephen K. Chang, investigator supervisor

Circuit Court of First Circuit
— Dean E. Ochiai, presiding judge

Intermediate Court of Appeals
— Keith K. Hiraoka, presiding judge
— Clyde J. Wadsworth, associate judge
— Kimberly T. Guidry, associate judge

Cox Fricke LLP
— Randall C. Whattoff

TKHHK Law Corporation
— Joseph A. Ernst
— Jennifer L. Gitter