Letter to Hiring Manager Yingwei Kaplan

Scott Goold Political Philosophy

The first president for whom I voted; the BEST president for whom I voted. President Jimmy Carter put solar panels on the White House. He diversified his cabinet, staff and government. He put America on a path that was representative of all Americans and our future.

Jimmy Carter defined Scott Goold's political career and development. Blessings to this honored man and his life's legacy.

President Jimmy Carter Represents the BEST in America

President Jimmy Carter Represents the BEST in America

Yingwei Kaplan URGES Interested Candidates to Apply. Scott Did

Yingwei Kaplan URGES Interested Candidates to Apply. Scott Did

Yingwei Kaplan Profile on LinkedIn. Outstanding Manager

Yingwei Kaplan Profile on LinkedIn. Outstanding Manager

About Yingwei
Project Management Professional (PMP) and Professional Engineer (PE) with over 25 years of experience in program and project management; Information Technology; transportation and civil engineering; subdivision development; procurement; financial management; and electrification of transportation.

Hawaiian Electric: 6 yrs 2 mos

Dec 2021 - Present · 1 yr 3 mos
Expand and operationalize Transportation Electrification network in Hawaii.

Project Manager
Jan 2017 - Dec 2021 · 5 yrs
Project Manager with special skills in IT as well as Transportation and Civil Engineering, bridging IT technical side with OT functional side to sustain IT infrastructure and upgrade technical applications in support of the energy enterprise. As execution team, we support the Company’s strategic outcomes by seeing projects through their lifecycles in the automation of enterprise business processes.

Letter to Former Manager: Yingwei Kaplan

Aloha e Yingwei ~
Hope you had a relaxing, fun holiday weekend. Learned late last week that HECO wasn’t interested in me rejoining the company. You and I would have again made an excellent team. For four years I have been seeking a resolution with senior management. Shortly after my dismissal in February 2019, I reached out directly to Thao Tran, who was Senior Associate General Counsel at the time. She told me that she had an upcoming meeting and would call me back. Never did.

When we worked together, the IT department had a protocol. They would take a departing member to lunch to thank and honor them for their service. I went to a number of celebratory lunches in my six month tenure.

HECO dismissed me in shame. I wasn’t offered or allowed this honorary lunch. HECO considered me a drug criminal. Ran me out immediately. How come I didn’t get honored at lunch?

HR director Shana Buco called me on that fateful day, told me to exit immediately. She didn’t allow me time to pass information to you or others; didn’t allow me to complete outstanding phone calls or respond to open emails. Just turn in my employee badge, collect my personal belongings and leave !!! No honorary lunch for me. Six months of outstanding service — discarded in shame! Who treats a human being in this way?

My friend, Korean woman, was battling breast cancer during this period. I know women — especially Asian women. They are the kindest, most compassionate human beings. None would ever treat a woman, particularly an Asian woman this way. Can you imagine stripping her of employment and healthcare during her time of medical distress?

It was 2006 when my female coworker fell to cancer. Our entire agency fought for her. We did everything we could to ease her pain. And, witnessing her pain led me to advocate for medical cannabis. Hawai’i was the first legislature in the nation to legalize the medication in 2000. We convinced New Mexico to legalize in 2007. Many experts claimed this medication would have helped Alisha. Nobody at HECO would have taken her job had she used cannabis. Nobody would have been that cruel to Alisha. Who would have denied Alisha a final supper?

Yet female senior management at HECO took my job, my healthcare insurance — and my dignity without any discussion or option to change medications! I have sought to resolve this injustice now for four years. Thao Tran refuses to speak with me. I don’t believe she can look me in the eyes.

Lori Yafuso gave me the HEI Code of Conduct, which I read. Seemed like medical cannabis was permitted. However, to be sure, I checked !!! I specifically and directly asked my assigned HR rep Elizabeth “Liz” Dear on February 14, 2019. I briefed her about my injuries and disability, as well as medication treatment plan. She told me I would be fine.

I’ve learned that Ms. Dear reported my disclosure to Shana Buco, it seems. They even discussed my situation — without involving me or alerting me to a possible policy violation. They knew I was confused; they lied to me and trapped me into submitting to the drug screen. I believed I was fine! That’s how senior Asian women at HECO treated this male employee.

This situation is beyond your control, but you know the qualify of employee I was at HECO. I’m certain you found a competent candidate to fill your needs, but I believe I might have brought more experience to the team. HECO is in last place nationally. Their high rates harm local families and stagnate business ventures. Many companies pass on relocating to Hawai’i due to the brutal energy rates.

Yet HECO won’t resolve this issue with me and allow me to assist your efforts. I’ve tried and tried and tried.

You’re an excellent project manager. I’ve told HECO and others that Lori Yafuso was the best manager of my career. You both are extremely talented. I don’t have this perception of senior management. In my professional opinion, they are incompetent, petty, insecure and cruel.

I was fortunate to receive extensive leadership training throughout my career. Guess the most important quality is COURAGE. A leader, a coach, a manager, a CEO, for example, must have the courage to do the right thing — even when others do not agree. A leader also must have the courage to say they are sorry or wrong. None of us are perfect. We all make mistakes.

To me, the most infamous example of failed leadership is former President Donald Trump. Agreed with some of his policies; disagreed with others. However, his style of leadership was petty, insecure and cruel. Even today, when all the world knows the truth, he can’t admit he lost the election. He’s a cancer to our nation.

There is a cancer in leadership at HECO. There is an absence of courage. You demonstrated courage. Thank you! Lori demonstrated courage. I admire both of you. You both inspire me. I would work for you, follow you, anytime and anywhere.

Unfortunately, senior management doesn’t have the courage to sit down with me and resolve this issue. All I can do now is tell this story and hope for a better tomorrow. Isn’t that President Biden’s theme? Be Better. Let’s hope!

Wish you the best! Wish you and Lori happiness and success. Hope HECO learns from women, Asian women, professionals and human beings like the two of you! You both are competent, talented, compassionate and have awesome courage. You’re both outstanding leaders.

Love and aloha !

“Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.” Dalai Lama